Tarana Wireless, Inc.


Principles of ngFWA Design: NLoS Performance

Non-line-of-sight is one of the greatest challenges to any fixed wireless system. ngFWA overcomes obstacles that would otherwise destroy link performance or make the link nonviable. … Read More

Case Study: SpectrumVoIP

SpectrumVoIP, a new Tarana G1 customer, is using G1 to deliver high-performance broadband in urban Dallas as a means of attracting new customers, reducing churn, and increasing profit. … Read More

Principles of ngFWA Design: Multi-User MIMO

Multi-user distributed massive MIMO delivers more capacity than any other MIMO technology available today. … Read More

Principles of ngFWA Design: MIMO and Spatial Multiplexing

High capacity links are a hallmark of ngFWA. We look at two common techniques to add capacity to a link. … Read More

Principles of ngFWA Design: Forming Beams and Nulls

Beamforming is a critical component of ngFWA. Learn more about how Tarana’s G1 uses beams and RF nulls to provide endgame broadband while rejecting unwanted interference. … Read More

Making CBRS Easy

Tarana’s G1 platform makes it easy to deploy CBRS with streamlined operations and universal frequency reuse for rapid adoption and management of this valuable spectrum. … Read More

G1 Head-to-Head with the Competition

An integrator investigates the advantages of G1 in a head-to-head comparison with a leading fixed wireless vendor. … Read More

6 GHz is here. Competition is too.

Don’t buy another stopgap. With unrivaled gigabit performance, interference cancellation, and unique sub-carrier flexibility, Tarana’s G1 in 6 GHz is the only way to protect your business. … Read More

Real World Performance: G1 vs. 3GPP

An operator recently decided to do a head-to-head comparison between Tarana’s G1 and a leading 3GPP vendor’s fixed wireless system. The results speak for themselves to the power of G1’s true ngFWA instantiation. … Read More

Protecting Yourself from a BEAD Overbuild

The US BEAD broadband funding program is both an opportunity and a risk for operators. Tarana can help operators whose networks are at risk of being overbuilt by BEAD broadband funding. … Read More