Tarana Wireless, Inc.

case study

Nextlink Connects the Underconnected with Tarana G1

The executive and technical teams at Nextlink Internet spent significant time evaluating Tarana’s broadband products, and they selected Tarana’s next-generation fixed wireless access (ngFWA) platform as a major partner for new wireless deployments and upgrades. … Read More

Connecting the City of Cleveland

DigitalC, a nonprofit wireless internet service provider, selected Tarana’s G1 to deliver symmetric 100 Mbps service to the city of Cleveland. … Read More

XCIEN: The Largest Wireless Internet Service Provider in Mexico

XCIEN, the largest WISP in Mexico, plans to utilize G1 in previously hard-to-reach, rural areas where fiber is not economically viable. … Read More

VGI Technology: Scaling with Tarana

Watch this video to see how VGI is closing the digital divide in Texas, delivering speeds much faster than previous solutions, in non- and near-line-of-sight environments. … Read More

Digital Path: Northern California Rural Deployment Funded by CASF

DigitalPath used G1 for CA grant obligations coverage at a fraction of the time and cost of fiber. … Read More

NMSurf: Overcoming Obstacles Using ngFWA

Thanks to G1, NMSurf is well positioned to expand their coverage, offer higher ARPU plans, and increase customer satisfaction. … Read More


Mountain Broadband: The Power of ngFWA

Mountain Broadband uses ngFWA to serve more customers with faster speeds and less infrastructure. … Read More